About the Author

Matt Davison

(Founder, Writer & Strategist)

Matt Davison, owner of Traveling in Spain

Matt is a South African digital marketer who’s been roaming the globe for over a decade as a digital nomad, working as an SEO specialist and content writer. He has explored Asia, Europe, and North America, but Spain stole his heart like nowhere else.

He fell head over heels for Spain’s charm, food, and experiences, and that love for the country fueled the creation of this travel blog. Here, he uncovers Spain’s best-kept secrets, shares insider tips, and brings the magic of Spain closer to you from the perspective of his own first-hand experiences.

His travel experience and blog contributions are the driving force behind our expertise in traveling to Spain.

When he isn’t writing a storm on what should be your next Spain adventure, you can find him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Traveling in Spain
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